More Than a Number

Thank you for taking the time to visit 'More Than A Number',  My name is Niall Gibbons and my dream is to end suicide worldwide. This is my personal journey to shine light on Mental Health awareness. 

'More Than A Number'; Was started to remind each and every one of us of the most important aspect of every day life - Our own Mental Health.

Mental Health affects people in many different ways. From the stresses of work, meeting new friends, going into a crowded events to tasks that other people might find easy, like doing the shopping or talking openly about their feelings. A lot of people feel that they need to suffer in silence because the fear of judgment, not knowing how to express there feelings or who to even trust to talk about the pain you are feeling inside. 

One thing that always got to me is we often see the news and hear about the number of people we have lost to suicide.  This statement of facts always upset me because the are 'More Than A Number’.

With 'More Than A Number’; I want to showcase that these people are more than a statistic. These are mothers, brothers, fathers, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, friends and friends of friends. Even our favourite artists and movie stars can’t escape Mental Health issues.

Let’s work together to highlight not only unfortunate passing of these loved ones, but also people currently going through Mental Health issues right now that its ok not to be ok. Let’s show the world that we are united in fighting the stigmas surrounding Mental Health.

I chose the logo ‘XIII’ (Roman numerals for 13) because I lost my friend Callum Paterson to suicide on the 13th of June 2019. Those who know me personally will know how this has had a significant impact on my life. Not only has Callum been my first friend to pass away, but to go in such a way has been devastating to me. I am left with all these questions that I will never have the answer for so this is why I am setting up to play my role in ending worldwide suicide. 

I hope that the funds raised from this path that I am on will help with supporting Mental Health services and encouraging those suffering to seek the help and services that are available.

Walk with me on my journey to try to make the world a brighter place for everyone and encourage the people we have around us to talk and share opening about how they are feeling. You are not alone in this, I can promise you that. I am always here for each and everyone of you. We are humans with human emotions. So please be kind to yourself. We are in this fight together. Together we are stronger. 

Follow my journey on Instagram @Morethananumberxiii