Be kind to yourself

I know from suffering in silence before it's not healthy for me or my friends or family around me. If you are suffering in silence is not fair on your mind or body so please be kind to yourself. It is not a sign of weakness by opening up, we are humans with human emotions. So I advise you to try talk to someone you can trust or for me, going counselling has helped me significantly. I talked about this with Katie on Spin South West radio station and how it's so important to find the right councillor. I have been to I think 4 or 5 now and I finally found the one that fits me. 

Although I am not trained in any way in Mental Health, I can say I have gone through rough patches and I still am very much in the storm of my own battles but it dose get easier as we open up and talk. The best way I can explain it what counselling has done for me, is giving me the opportunity to talk to someone who knows known of the characters in my story so he/she can direct me with a clear non bias route to helping or possibly solving to together. 

If I can go on national radio and talk openly about my Mental Health and my brand you can make those first steps for me. If your reading this now and you don’t have someone to talk to or the money to go councillor right now. Get any piece of paper and anything you can write with right now and just start writing. Get these negative thought, and emotions out of your head and down on a piece of paper. When that’s all done. Tear it up and throw it away, at least its not in your head anymore.  

You got this. If you found your way to this part of my website. You got this. Share my message or your on version of my story to help grow ‘More Than A Number’. You and the loved ones we have lost deserve this so we don’t have to say those words ‘he was a lovely lad, never knew she suffered, if only he talked to someone’.

This starts now boys and girls, We need to make mental health to be part of 'normal' everyday conversation. To encourage those suffering in silence to be able to speak out. We solve this together guys. Together we are stronger. Remember we are all humans with human emotions.

Follow my journey on Instagram @Morethananumberxiii