Sponser Event

Dear Friends,

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you all. I recently had the incredible opportunity to take part in a sponsorship event with Parkvile FC, all in aid of pitch development. It was an honor to be asked to be the sponsor for this event, and I couldn't be happier to have been a part of such a meaningful cause.

Pitch development plays a crucial role in the growth and success of any football club. By supporting Parkvile FC in their efforts to enhance their facilities, we are not only contributing to the development of young talent but also promoting a healthy and active lifestyle within the community.

What made this sponsorship event even more special for me was the underlying purpose it served. As many of you may know, mental health is an issue close to my heart. Through this partnership, I hope to raise awareness for mental health and encourage more companies and organizations to get involved in similar initiatives.

By uniting sports and mental health, we can create a powerful platform to address and support those who may be struggling. Together, we can break the stigma and provide a safe space for individuals to seek help, find support, and embrace a positive mindset.

I am incredibly grateful to Parkvile FC for giving me this opportunity, and I want to extend my gratitude to everyone involved in making this event a success. It is my hope that our collaboration will open doors for more companies and organizations to step forward and join us in raising awareness for mental health.

I would like to give a special mention to my friend Paul McMahon as this wouldn't be possible without his help. Thank you to my friends at Analog who proudly showcased our golf polo's on the day.

Thank you all for your continued support. Let's keep striving to create a world where mental health is a priority and no one feels alone in their journey.

Warm regards,

Niall Gibbons